Saturday, April 30, 2011

Confusing CashCrate Offers - Silver Gold & Platinum

Many CashCrate offers can be a tangled web of confusing requirements, pop-ups, and redirects. Directions are often vague or misleading.  One such type of offer is the "Silver, Gold, & Platinum" offer. 
Confusing CashCrate Offers
If you have experimented with a few offers in CashCrate, then you have undoubtedly come across the offers requiring you to sign up for two silver, two gold, and two platinum offers in order to receive your prize reward. 

Beware!  These silver, gold, and platinum offers all require credit cards, shipping and handling fees, and service charges.  They are NOT free.  These marketing companies are trying to confuse you and ultimately take advantage of you.  These types of offers are not easy to figure out.  They will make you jump through hoops for your CashCrate offer credit. 

We all know CashCrate offers MUST be filled out correctly and all requirements met in order for you to receive your offer payment.  But, with confusing offers like these, cash approval seems completely impossible. 

Truth is, they don't want you to complete the offer correctly because then, they would have to pay you. They have made these offers difficult on purpose. 

More Truth, the "Get a Free I-pad with Participation" or any such similar claims are total and complete bull.  Use common sense people, they are trying to sucker you in.  Like momma said, "If it's too good to be true, then it probably is." 

Fear Not fellow CashCraters!  I am going to help you wade through the B.S. and successfully complete these offers.


Begin filling out the offer with your personal information, being sure to use Internet safety with CashCrate offers by keeping your most sensitive information private.  Once done, click Submit.  You have now progressed to Step 2.


You are immediately faced with your first obstacle, the ever dreaded "Cell Phone Scam".  Search for the "pass" or "skip" button on these pages.  If you are not careful or just inexperienced, you may hit the submit button and accidentally sign up for a phone service and begin getting cell phone charges from CashCrate offers.

Continue "passing" through these phone offers until you reach the Silver, Gold, & Platinum area. 


Go ahead and click on any two offers listed in the Silver section.  Let the Pop-Up pages fully load.  DO NOT FILL THEM OUT.  Leave them open for a couple of seconds. After a few moments, close them and scroll down toward the bottom of the page, continuing on by pressing the "Go To the Gold Offers" button. 


Do the SAME EXACT thing for the Gold section as you did for the Silver.  Be sure to let the Pop-Up pages fully load and stay open for a few seconds.  Close them, scroll down, press the "Go To the Platinum Offers" button. 


Execute the same process for the Platinum section, as you did before, on the two previous pages.  Close the Pop-Up offers and notice the website is trying to get you to go back to the Gold section because you didn't completely fill out the required offers. 

Ignore this prompt, it's a diversion, and instead click on the "Click Here for Bonus Gifts" button.  Leave that page open for a few seconds and then close all windows associated with the company offer. 

STEP 6 & 7:

Submit your offer on CashCrate's main offer page and Clear Internet Cookies to help your pending offer approve more quickly.

Many people who have tried CashCrate have had negative experiences.  They complain about being scammed and let down, and that CashCrate is a total waste of time.  CashCrate isn't perfect, but its by no means a rip off. 

The world is full of bad people trying to get over on whoever is weak and vulnerable.
Users must educate themselves about the potential risks of trying to earn money online.    

Be smart and don't let yourself be scammed by online companies.  It's not CashCrates fault you didn't use common sense. Use caution and don't set yourself up as a target for fraud. 

I have earned money with CashCrate, and it was fun, but it wasn't an easy road.  When faced with a new experience all you can do is try and keep on trying.  Sometimes, it is necessary to fail in order to learn from your mistakes.  Don't give up after two weeks of frustration.  The information you need to be successful is out there.  CashCrate's forum is an excellent resource to use. 

Hope this article will help some of you.  I didn't have a referrer helping me with problems.  I had to figure it out all on my own.  Please contact me directly with any CashCrate related questions or concerns you may have.  I am available for personal help. 

Good Luck

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Successfully Complete an Offer - Car Insurance Tutorial

Successfully completing a CashCrate offer can be a little trickier than expected. In this tutorial, I'm going to ask you to take my hand and let me lead you step-by-step through a CashCrate Car Insurance offer from start to finish. 

Step by Step CashCrate Offer TutorialOffers are not all the same.  They vary in length, requirement, participation, ease, and payout.  Personally, I only do certain types of offers, because I have had success with those, and have completely bombed with others.  The Car Insurance offers are very reliable.  Payout is usually certain and prompt.  So, Lets Get Started.

STEP 1:  Go to CashCrate Dashboard Offers Tab

Click for Bigger Image

See how the "OFFERS" tab is selected in Green.  Also note the 100% free sort by Newest.  These can be changed to give you a different selection of offers.  I would suggest sticking with 100% Free offers for safety reasons.  Offers that aren't free will require information like credit cards and SSN's. 

STEP 2:  Find a Car Insurance Offer

CashCrate Car Insurance Offer Tutorial

CashCrate offers MANY Car Insurance offers and I would do all of them if I were you.  They have high payouts, sometimes up to a dollar or more, and they don't require you to enrol or sign up for something in order to receive credit.  They may, however, give you a call and ask you some questions.  This isn't a big deal, just play along for a minute or two and abruptly say "Thanks, Got all the Info I need!" and hang up.  

You will want to click the picture on the left side to start the offer.  A pop up window will appear and that window is where you will begin imputing your information.  

STEP 3:  Fill in Your Valid Information

This particular offer asks for your Zip Code first.  Enter it in, but before you hit Submit, make sure you are on the actual "Quote Guppy" page.  This is important because you want the .50 CashCrate credit for completing the Quote Guppy offer. 

You would think that if you clicked on the Quote Guppy Insurance picture that the pop up window would be for Quote Guppy, right?  Not always the case.  Many, and most offers try to confuse you with pop up windows and by sometimes redirecting you to a completely different site.  If you are not careful you may be lead down a rabbit hole of forms to fill out that don't even belong to the offer you initially clicked on. 

Here is how to tell if you are on the correct page:

Look at the top left corner of your Internet window and look for "Quote Guppy."  Use this step when completing all offers.  Always look and see if the offer form you are filling out matches the actual CashCrate offer.  If ever you look up and see that you are filling out your information on a page that does not match the name of the offer, stop. 

In this case, Quote Guppy matches, so press Submit. 

Ok, something interesting happened.  When I clicked on Submit, the page that I was on turned into something else, and another pop up window from Quote Guppy showed up. 

Here is what my page turned into:

If you see on the Top it says "Advertisement, You will Not Receive any Rewards for These Offers."  It seams pretty obvious that this isn't part of the offer requirement, but it may still distract a CashCrate beginner from completing the offer correctly.  This is a lesson to be learned.  Many offers will make you go through different pages that have nothing to do with the actual offer, in order to prevent you from getting your money.

Find the other pop up window that appeared when you clicked Submit. Fill out the form with Valid Information and click enter. 

When asked if you are interested in any other offers, click NO for all of them until you reach a "Completion Page." It will say a confirmation letter has been sent, and you should be expecting a call from an insurance agent shortly. 

STEP 4:  Clicking on Email Confirmation

It may take a few minutes, but you will find a confirmation email letter from your Car Insurance Offer.  If you don't see it in your inbox, it may be in your Spam folder.  Follow the directions to confirm the email.  You may need to talk to a Representative over the phone when they call you. Just BS with them for a minute and they will be satisfied. 

STEP 5:  Press Submit on the CashCrate Offer Page

All effort will be lost if you forget to click on the Submit button on the opposite side of the offer picture.  The button is grey with white letters.  The offer will then be moved to your pending list.  There it will sit until approval. 

If you want to see your Pending Offer Approval list, look at the top right hand corner of the CashCrate dashboard.  You will see a green tab with your total earnings right next to your name.  Click on that dollar amount and you will be brought to your earnings page.  Offers that have approved are in grey.  Pending offers are in green. 

An offer will stay pending for 30 days and if not approved it will be deleted from your earnings page.  This will give you a chance to do it again if need be. 

STEP 6:  Delete Internet Cookies

Deleting Internet cookies helps offers approve quicker.  To find out why read the article Clearing Internet Cookies for CashCrate Offer Approval

This concludes my CashCrate Car Insurance Tutorial. 

Good Luck

Earn $5.00 with CashCrate in Under 20 Minutes

I'm going to help you earn $5.00 with CashCrate within the first 20 minutes you sign up! Follow these Step-by-Step instructions to learn how you can started earning money online. 

Earn $5 Fast

Step 1: Sign up with CashCrate and instantly receive your first $1.00

Step 2: Set up 2 Google Accounts.  G-mail Use With CashCrate is an essential part of your money making success with CashCrate. 

Step 3: Complete the following 100% Free CashCrate Offers:
  1. NPD Online Surveys    $1.00  (Approves upon email confirmation)
  2. Reward TV                  .50    (Approves Instantly)
  3. Cigar Coupon              .50    (Approves upon email confirmation)
  4. Phillip Morrison           .75    (Approves upon email confirmation)
  5. Ipsos Surveys               .50   (Approves upon email confirmation)
  6. Elite Mate                   .75   (Approves upon profile completion)
TOTAL:                          $4.00
PLUS:                            $1.00 Sign up Bonus
EQUALS:                       $5.00

  • Always use Valid Information.
  • Use Different Email Addresses for Cigar Coupon, and Phillip Morrison.  They are by the same company, and will not give you credit if you use the same email address for each offer. 
  • Clear Internet Cookies between EACH offer. 
  • Check your email for confirmation letters.  Simply click on the confirmation letter and moments later you will have your CashCrate approval. 

Each of the above Offers are listed under the 100% free option on CashCrate
It looks like this on the CashCrate offers dashboard:

100% Free CashCrate Offer

Here is an example of an offer exactly how it appears on CashCrate:

Once you find one of the above 100% offers, Click on the picture on the left.  A pop up window will appear and that is where you will fill out the offer with your information. 

You will know you have completed the offer successfully when you make it to a "Thank You" page or a "Completed" page.   

To get your CashCrate credit, you must then go back to the CashCrates offer dashboard where you originally clicked on the offer picture, and press the "Submit" button. 

It looks like this:

Its easy and fun to earn money with CashCrate.  You just need to know what your doing.  Better equip yourself by reading the following articles:

Friday, April 22, 2011

Getting Cell Phone Charges from CashCrate Offers

Many CashCrate newbies receive unexpected charges on their cell phone bills after completing offers.  I was a CashCrate beginner once myself, and I too ran into this same problem.  This problem is easy to avoid if you know what to do. 

Unwanted Cell Phone ChargesHow Does This Happen?

Many offers ask you for your cell phone number as part of the registration process.  Once you fill in your contact info (Name, Address, DOB, ect.) you usually click a terms and conditions box and press submit.  You will sometimes be redirected to a page that looks like this:

Click to Enlarge Picture

Excuse the quality of the screen snip, but you will definitely recognize it when it pops up.  The offer is trying to lead you down a rabbit hole with distracting "special offers" and "bonus prizes."  If you don't pay attention to what you are clicking on, you may accidentally sign up for a monthly ring tone service or cell phone trivia game. 

The Bold Red Lettering is there to distract you from the small print.  It is leading you to believe that you MUST enter your cell phone number in order to receive confirmation and continue to the next page.  However, this is NOT the case.  If you click the "Submit and Continue to Next Page" button you have just signed yourself up for the cell phone charges. 

If you actually read the fine print at the bottom of the page you will see the terms and conditions that clearly display the charges.  This fine print, however, is usually under the cut and you must scroll down the page to see it.  Even further below the fine print is the "Skip" button. 

How To Avoid the Cell Phone Charges?

The best way to avoid accidental charges is to ALWAYS skip them.  These pages will give you a button or link to click to bypass the cell phone scam, the trick is spotting them.  Sometimes they are all the way down at the bottom of the page, and you must scroll down to see them.  Other times they are cleverly hidden in the small print, written in the same font and color, and you must carefully scan the entire page to find it.  They are also hidden on the top right corner of the page, and you have to scroll up to see the "Skip" button. 

The skip option doesn't always say "Skip."  It may be unexpected phrases like:
  • No Thank You
  • Not Interested
  • Pass
  • Move On

Another Cell Phone Trap:

Sometimes when you visit a site and submit your cell phone number, you will receive a text from them that says something to the effect of:

"Thank you for visiting our site!  You are eligible for a $500 gift card.  To Claim your prize, call 1-800-345-4565.  To Unsubscribe reply STOP."

How to Avoid the Text Scam:
  • Whatever you do, do not call and claim your prize.  It's a trick, and it's not actually a gift card, its a voucher that can only be used at certain places, and only after you purchase the item and send in the receipt and then wait for 6 months for them to maybe repay you.  Then you will have to pay $4.99 for shipping and handling. 

  • DO NOT TEXT BACK WITH STOP If you text back, then you will be charged the $9.99 fee on your cell phone bill.  I have been suckered into this scam.  I've done the research on this and talked to many cell phone providers.  They advised me to not reply STOP.  I get texts from sites every time I fill out offers with CashCrate, but I no longer reply to them.  This has worked, and I have not received any more wacky cell phone charges. 
Simply ignore the crazy text messages and you will not be charged for them. 

Protect yourself against Internet Scams by reading:

**CashCrate Caution - Internet Safety Tips
**100% Free Offers - Spot the Easy Ones
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